Monday, July 5, 2010

Nepal Visa - Please bring four color passport size pics to Kathmandu

Sita Ram Everyone,

- We will all need to get our Nepalese visa on arrival at the Kathmandu airport.
- Please bring your four recent color passport size pics with you to Nepal. These are for the Nepalese visa on arrival at Kathmandu airport.
- Select multiple entry visa option on the Nepal visa forms.
- Pay with US dollars, it would be around $40/person for the Nepal visa and keep the receipt.This expense will be reimbursed.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Please bring your chant books

Sita Ram Kailash Yatri,

Please do not forget to carry your chant book with you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Messages from Bapuji regarding Kailash Trip ( Message # 1 of 2)

Dear Kailash Yatris,

Sita Rama,

It seems like the countdown for the trip of our life has begun. Hope you are preparing as best as possible. Ma and I have not looked at the list of participants with the thought of who can or cannot make it. We trust your own judgment in your physical and mental capacities to join. Please be sure you are not taking any unnecessary risks, nor creating difficulties for the group. Although “it is each one for oneself” yet remember we are still a group.
This is not a trip about who gets to the top first but one spirit in several bodies walking together with the vision of the Creator in front, and the bond of the Guru in the hearts and minds. We all walk, stay together and push and pull each other as the times need.
We would like you to be open and be prepared to ride the horse and do the parikrama if the body does not do well at the altitude. Please be sure to bring the extra $600 or so for the horse. Please make the arrangements and if you do not use, you can still return back with your money.
Please do group practices for the protection and success of all. Rama raksha, trailokya, Hanuman chalisa. Whatever the group in your area can practice. We will be getting together for group practices in the Antioch area. We will keep you posted and others can do the same practice that day and if possible close to those times.
In order to make the trip successful we have been recommended to take a supplement called mycrohydrin. It has been designed for athletes and is a powerful antioxidant. For our purposes it will provide all the benefits to counter the altitude problems. It increases oxygen in the blood. Alkalizes the body, provides more energy, increases cellular hydration, reduces lactic acid.
We will be ordering through DYC and you can order the 90 capsules per person from Tulsi.   Dosage is 2 capsules per day 2 weeks prior and 4 capsules during the trip. Please place orders with Tulsi.  You may email her at Please mail check ONLY for ordering. Check payable to DYC for $64.00 for the capsules and postage and handling.
Tulsi Gottfredson
2378 Whitetail Dr.
Antioch, CA 94531
For those interested, Dr. Lad has also recommended ayurvedic herbs. Two formulae. One for the lungs and immune system, the other for the altitude. Please see the letter sent alongside for details.

See you in Kathmandu,

Ma   bapuji

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Messages from Bapuji regarding Kailash Trip ( Message # 2 of 2)

1. Every morning start a brisk walk for atleast 4 miles at 6:00 a.m.
2. After your walk do deep breathing or do 15 minutes Bhastrika, and 15 minutes of alternate breathing.
3. Drink a glass of warm water after a little while.
4. Sit as long as possible in the Vajrasana.
5. If needed try to loose 6-10 lbs before the trip.

  • Please pack the stuff for the general trip in a suitcase which will be left behind in Kathmandu.
  • The stuff for the pilgrimage part itself ideally should be in a water proof back pack. A sac with multiple pockets is advised. packing the clothes in a plastic sac will be helpful against sudden rain showers.
  • It would be helpful to have extra pairs of sun glasses between the group.
  • Keep extra batteries for flash lights, camera etc, as they tend to drain out rather quickly.
  • Keep dry sweets like chocolate, candy. We recommend the nutrition bars .( we spoke with an expert who advised, what you need is sugar. So dried fruit, nuts . Ginger is excellent so ginger candy) nuts would be good.(We will be ordering some good nutrition bars for purchase)



Besides these Dr. Lad has recommended Basal Pranayam:
  • Inhale for a count of 4 but using the lungs.
  • Exhale for a count of 6.
  • Do this slowly.
  • Practice this with the other pranayams.

Herbs recommended for the lungs and immune system (To be started 1 to 1½ months ahead of departure):
  • 1tsp Turmeric 
  • 1tsp Pippali
  • 2tsp Kantakari
  • 1cup Milk
  • ½ cup Water
  • Add the herbs to the milk+water and boil till the water is boiled off. Drink warm am and pm. You can save ½ for pm.

The second formula is for Altitude sickness (Start 2 weeks prior departure):
  1. Dashamula -500
  2. Ashwagandha-400
  3. Arjuna-300
  4. Pushkarmula-200
  5. Tagar-200
  • Take ½ tea spoon with warm water, three times a day after meals.
  • Order a supply for 5 weeks. 
  • Order directly from Ayurvedic Institute. Call 505-291-9698
  • Ask for the herb department.

Singapore Airline Baggage rules etc for the East/West coast groups

Question 1.       How many suitcases are we allowed to bring on Singapore Airlines when we depart from USA?
Answer 1.  One cabin bag+ laptop etc and Two checked-in pieces, the sum of the three dimensions (length + width + height) of  both checked-in pieces added together does not exceed 273 cm (107 in) and the outside linear dimensions of each bag must not exceed 158 cm (62 in.)  The weight of each piece is limited to 23 kg (50lb). See the url below for those details.
Question 2.       Is there an additional luggage fee that has not been included in our ticket fee? 
Answer 2.          If you follow the baggage rules then we don't have to pay any extra fee. If you have excess weight or extra piece of baggage, you will be charged excess baggage fee. 
Question 3.       What is the weight/specific limits imposed?  Do you have any ideas about these limitations?
Answer 3.         The weight of each piece is limited to 23 kg (50lb). See the url below for those details. Please see details on the url below: 
For Singapore flights from USA, please see the url below for country specific details. For other location you will need to click on links for other countries on this url or do some research on your own.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chinese, Nepalese and Indian currency information

It has been recommended that we carry at least $500 equivalent in Chinese currency during the Kailash trip. We will have at least two opportunities to exchange currency, first in Nepal and second at Chinese border.

Please see below for more information on Chinese currency:
Exchange rate on May 24th for 1 USD = 6.83 Chinese Yuan

During our stay in Nepal from 16th July to 19th July we can use Nepalese currency for any personal expenses. Please see below for details:
Exchange rate on May 24th  for 1 USD = 73.55 Nepalese Rupees

The group going to Nikora after Kailash can exchange Indian currency at Kathmandu or Delhi
Exchange rate on May 24th  for 1 USD = 46.81 Indian Rupees

To view exchange rates against Czeck Koruna (CZK) etc  please use the currency converter on this website:

Preparing for our Kailash Yatra

Sita Ram, Yatris!

We are now a group of over 80 yatris (participants in this yatra or holy pilgrimage)!! Each and every one of us is responsible for preparing carefully and consciously, exercising our physical bodies in preparation for this arduous journey, and doing our practicesBy so doing, we increase our chances of success and also lighten the load on our beloved Ma and Bapuji.

Please read through this email completely, so that you know how to prepare for your journey. 

What to pack in the 15lb knapsack that we will all need to have for the 3-day trek around Mt. Kailash: 

The weather conditions are an important factor to consider.  Gopal has done some research and found that the weather range will likely be as follows:

Probable range of weather:       Good weather:
                                                      Day Time: 50F - 68F
                                                      Night Time:41F - 50F
                                                      Bad weather:
                                                      Day: 41F - 59F
                                                      Night: 32F - 50F

We all need to think in terms of wearing layers on this trek. The days will likely be quite warm and we will need to peel down to shirtsleeve layer as we physically exert ourselves during the hottest times of day.  But when the sun goes down, it will get cold and wool or heavy sweaters/fleece and waterproof parkas (This is monsoon season and there may be rain) are in order. You may wish to purchase a "3-in-1 parka" . These have within them a zipped in vest, inner jacket and outer waterproof parka.  (Clearly, each individual knows how they must dress to feel comfortable at a particular temperature so this is a choice each of us will need to make on our own.)  Many of the items listed below we will be wearing on our 3-day trek and not actually packing into the knapsack. Remember, this is a list of recommendations.  It is not written in stone.  Use your judgment and your own research to determine what your individual needs might be.

1) A pair of sturdy walking boots for Kailash Parikrama (i.e. 3-day walking around the mountain).  The less bendable the sole, the better for your safety. 
2) Pair of comfortable sneakers or comfortable walking shoes (to wear for the rest of the journey)
3) Woolen or heavy sweater or fleece jacket
4) Underwear layer - NOT cotton. Silk or "capelene 3" is best because it wicks perspiration (and dries quickly) and will keep us warmer when the sun goes down.
4) 2 pairs of light-weight and/or windproof pants and/or pair of light-weight waterproof pants (reminder - monsoon season - rain possible). (Note: I've chosen to purchase large size waterproof pants that I can slip on over my lightweight pants in the event of rain.)
5) Heavy woolen, fleece or other warm pants for the nights.
6) Sun hat with a wide brim to cover the face and neck in the daytime and a wool hat for the nighttime.
7) Three pairs of "smartwool" or similar socks. Silk sock liners are good for keeping feet warm and dry.
8) Wool gloves.(Can purchase silk or other liners separately)
9) Fleece or other neck scarf
10) A cotton scarf/bandana to protect your mouth and nose from the dust on windy days.
11) Wind and sun protection cream and chap stick.
13) Toiletries - soap, toothbrush/toothpaste. Small, light travel towel.  Hand wipes.(Showers will likely not be available during 3-day trek)  Toilet paper.
14) Personal medication. (I always bring at least a week more than I need).
15) Plastic water bottle (steel / aluminum will get very cold).
16) Sunglasses
17) A silk or other type of sleeping bag liner (can buy a very lightweight type) to keep us warm and provide a layer between us and the blankets provided and/or a sleeping bag that weighs little.
18) Flashlight with spare batteries
19) Trekking poles (2).
20) Bathing suit (If you plan to take a dip in Lake Monsarovar!)
21) Your knapsack!

Sleeping bags or blankets will be provided for those who do not have their own.  We have been told that parkas can be rented there.

Remember - the above pertains to the 3-day trek

How to Pack:  We can pack a regular suitcase with whatever we think we'll need for the entire journey.  Pack comfortable travel clothes (punjabhis are good for women - if you own them), towel, a book and/or journal...  There likely won't be many opportunities to wash clothes (although we can hand wash and hang things to dry).

When we leave the hotel in Katmandu, we will leave our suitcases behind, along with all items we won't need for the journey to/from Mt. Kailash.  We will be given duffel bags to use for the 10-day journey to the mountain and back. The duffel bags will be stored in jeeps/trucks in our convoy when we don't need access to them.

WE MUST BRING OUR OWN KNAPSACK/SHOULDER BAG to carry what we need for the 3-day trek around Mt. Kailash.
We will NOT have to carry these as we walk.  Yaks will kindly lift our burden.

VALUABLES:  DO NOT PACK ANY.  There are many reports of theft in this region.
Passports, money, credit cards, traveler's checks, cameras.... should be kept with us at all times. 

IMMUNIZATIONS - Please see your own physician or go to a Travel Medicine Clinic for information on this subject.

HERBS- We will have more information on the herbs that are recommended to take for high altitude travel in the days to come.

FLIGHTS - For U.S. group flight participants, we will have more information on the flight details in the days to come.

CURRENCY - We will have more information in the days to come.

Here are some useful U.S. websites that Gopal recommends:

Info on Hiking and hiking gear & apparel:
Info on Layered clothing:
General info on high altitiude:
Information of Poles:
Good website to buy apparel:

Please continue to check this blog for updates

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spiritual Practices for Kailash

Sita rama,

The Adhik- extra month has begun today. Please try to do some extra practices as per your time and convenience. Any Vishnu i.e. Rama practices are recommended. Particularly those going to Mt. Kailash surely do extras. Atleast 11 malas daily of OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA   along with extra Rama mantras are best.

An excellent time and opportunity to gain extra benefits and expedite the spiritual growth process.

Ma  bapuji

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Please be advised:
  • We will arrange for everybody's Nepalese & Tibet/China visas, including the people traveling to Kathmandu on their own.
  •  You will need to secure your own Indian visa if you are traveling on your own to Nikora. We are arranging the Indian visa for "group travelers" who are going to Nikora but NOT for independent travelers who are going to Nikora.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Re: Physical fitness, lets get in shape

Sita Ram,

Please be advised that some experts are recommending that people planning to go on the Kailash trip
walk atleast 2 miles every day starting now in addition to longer weekend hikes. Otherwise, be prepared to hire a guide and a horse/Yak for the Parikrama portion of the trip. It could be pretty expensive to rent horses/Yaks. I will post additional information about the costs when it becomes available.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010




Monday, March 22, 2010

Important information for people travelling to high altitude

This simple, plain-English handbook was written by the Medex team in order to provide easy access to important information for laypeople travelling to high altitude. It will tell you what you need to know about altitude sickness, frostbite, hypothermia, and much more. You can download a full copy from the medex website by clicking on one of the following links:

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nepal to Nikora flight details

The group will depart from Kathmandu, Nepal on Aug 1st for Vadodara(BDQ) via Delhi. We are booking our flights on Jet airways, flight time is 2:40pm, it will reach Vadodara at 7:40pm.

There is an earlier flight from Kathmanduvia Delhi at 9:30am which also reaches Vadodara at 7:40pm.
You can also reach Vadodara via Mumbai.

Ma & Bapuji will stay at Nikora upto Aug 6th. Please plan accordingly. You can depart from Ahmedabad which is nearer Nikora or from Mumbai. Mumbai is farther away but you can get there by train or by flying. More international flights go out of Mumbai than Ahmedabad.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Revised Kailash Schedule for July 16 to Aug.1, 2010

Day 01: (Fri. 16 July) Arrive Kathmandu (1336m) & transfer to Hotel. Kailash briefing at 5:30 pm. Dinner at 8:00 pm. Overnight at Hyatt Regency.
Day 02: (Sat. 17 July) KATHMANDU: Visit the Pashupatinath Temple for Pooja  & half day sightseeing, Overnight in
Hyatt Regency.
Day 03: (Sun. 18 July) KATHMANDU: After Lunch packing arrangement for Kailash Yatra, Overnight in
Hyatt Regency.
Day 04: (Mon. 19 July) KATHMANDU - NYLAM. (3900m) 127kms, early morning start for the Kodari (border) after immigration formalities at the Nepal side you will drive further to Zhangmu. Here also there will be immigration formalities at the Chinese side. From Zhangmu drive further to Nylam for 2 and 1/2 hours. Overnight in Guest House.
Day 05: (Tue. 20 July) NYLAM. Rest day for acclimatization. Overnight in Guest House.
Day 06: (Wed. 21 July) NYLAM -  SAGA. (4640m). 230 Kms/144miles. Drive to Saga for approx. 09 hours. Overnight in Guest House.
Day 07: (Th. 22 July) SAGA - PARYANG. (4540m). 230 Kms. Drive to Paryang for approx. 9 hours. Overnight in Guest House.
Day 08: (Fri. 23 July) PARYANG – MANASAROVAR (4700m/15400ft). 240 Kms. Drive to Manasarovar for approx. 7 hours. Overnight in guest house/Tent at Mansarovar.
Day 09: (Sat. 24 July) REST DAY IN MANASAROVAR.  Offer morning prayers. On this day after lunch you will drive around Manasarovar Lake for 3 - 4 hours for the Parikrama during which you will also  visit the CHU GOMPA. Overnight in guest house/Tent at Mansarovar.
Day 10: (Sun. 25 July- Guru Purnima): Puja and rest day. Overnight in guest house/Tent at Mansarovar.
Day 11: (Mon. 26 July) MANASAROVAR -ASTAPATH - DIRAPUK.  Drive to Astapath for 2 hours. Then  trek to Dirapuk for approx. 5 hours. Overnight in Tented Camp (or Guest House if rooms are available).
Day 12: (Tue. 27 July) DIRAPUK - ZUTULPUK. Continue Parikarma over Dolma Pass [5650m/18800ft] to Zuthul Puk which might take approx. 8 hrs. walk. Overnight in tented camp (or Guest House if rooms are available).
Day 13: (Wed. 28 July) ZUTULPUK – DARCHEN - MANASAROVAR (4700m) Kora ends near Darchen which will take approx, 5 hours walk. Overnight in guest house/Tent at Mansarovar.
Day 14: (Th. 29 July) MANASAROVAR - SAGA (4640m). Drive to Saga for app 9 hours. Overnight in Guest house
Day 15: (Fri. 30 July) SAGA – NYLAM (3900m). Drive to Nylam for app 9 hour Overnight in Guest House.
Day 16: (Sat. 31 July) NYLAM –  KATHMANDU. 127 Kms. downhill to Friendship Bridge where transportation waits for the final leg of journey to Kathmandu.Overnight in Hotel
Hyatt Regency
Day 17: (Sun 1 Aug) FINAL DEPARTURE. Transfer to airport for departure. Arrive in US on Tuesday, Aug. 3rd, 10:55am - JFK group; Aug 2nd, 8:30pm - SFO group

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Please note new travel dates

The US group departures:
- San Francisco(SFO)group will depart on Wednesday, JULY 14th at 2:05pm from San Francisco International Airport.
- East Coast(JFK)group departs on Wednesday, JULY 14th at 9:25pm from JFK International Airport.

Arrival into Kathmandu:
- Both East coast and West coast groups arrive in Kathmandu on Friday, July 16th at 12:05pm

Departure from Nepal:
- US groups (not going to Nikora) will depart from Kathmandu on Sunday, August 1st at 1:05pm and arrive in US on Monday August 2nd. JFK group arrives at 10:55am. SFO
group arrives at 8:30pm
- US group going to Nikora will also depart from Kathmandu on Sunday, August 1st.
We will post details of local Indian portion of the travel shortly.
Ma & Bapuji will stay in Nikora upto Friday, August 6th.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Suggested list of items to bring for Kailash Yatra (15 lbs weight limit for pilgrimage portion of the trip)

1) A pair of walking boots for Kailash Parikrama
2) Pair of sport-shoes
3) Woolen pullovers and sweaters
4) Pair of light weight trousers
5) Windproof trousers
6) Sun hat with a wide brim to cover the face and neck
7) Pair of woolen gloves with lining are best
8) Two pairs of thin and two pairs of thick woolen socks
9) Toilet items
13)A book
15)Flashlight with spare batteries
16)Personal medical supplies
17)Wind and sun protection cream and chap sticks
18)A cotton scarf to protect your mouth and nose from the dust.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Schedule change for Kailash trip

The majority of people registered for the Kailash trip will be flying as part of our DYC group, from either the East Coast or the West Coast of the US.  We have already negotiated a group rate with Singapore Airlines and will let you all know the details of the flights and costs once they are finalized.  This message is relevant to everyone planning for this extraordinary trip but it is particularly important for those of you who plan to purchase your own tickets and meet the group in Katmandu. Please hold off purchasing your own plane tickets to/from Katmandu for the time being and read the information in this message.

Due to a recent flight cancellation by Singapore Airlines, we may have to slightly alter the travel schedule.  New date to fly out of the USA is July 19th, 2010. Our return flights from Nepal to USA will also be moved ahead by three days. Our previous return date was scheduled for Aug 2nd now it will be Aug. 5th. We will stay overnight on Aug 4th in Singapore on our return flight.

We are working as fast as possible to resolve these issues and will publish the revised schedule on the Kailash blog, at Please check the blog frequently from this point on because we will be uploading new information as it becomes available. 

On another note:  There is an important new Indian travel restriction.  Travelers to India are no longer going to be permitted to enter, leave, and re-enter India as they have in the past.  There must now be a two-month period between entering/leaving India and then re-entering India.  What this means is that it will not be possible to plan to arrive in India ahead of the group, then go to Katmandu and complete the Kailash trip, and then return to India for more travel/visiting in India.

More to follow….

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Re: New visa regulation for India visit

If you are planning to visit India around Kailash trip please read the new regulations. In a nutshell, if you have a travel visa (T visa) then you will need a gap of two months between two consecutive visits to India. More here:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to break into a new pair of hiking boots

Please see below some comments by Lou on how to break into a new pair of hiking boots:

"Firstly, it takes 30 miles of walking to break in a new pair of hiking boots. It would be a good idea to do that before going on a trip like this one. Second, if people plan to purchase their equipment in the USA it should be noted that many things are seasonal. That is, you can buy things like down parkas between October and January after that is is hard to find many items because the shops move on to selling spring time items. Third, there are ways to find good buys online rather than paying full price in stores. Hope you find this info useful."

Kailash Trip - Frequently Asked Questions. Please read.