Thursday, June 3, 2010

Messages from Bapuji regarding Kailash Trip ( Message # 1 of 2)

Dear Kailash Yatris,

Sita Rama,

It seems like the countdown for the trip of our life has begun. Hope you are preparing as best as possible. Ma and I have not looked at the list of participants with the thought of who can or cannot make it. We trust your own judgment in your physical and mental capacities to join. Please be sure you are not taking any unnecessary risks, nor creating difficulties for the group. Although “it is each one for oneself” yet remember we are still a group.
This is not a trip about who gets to the top first but one spirit in several bodies walking together with the vision of the Creator in front, and the bond of the Guru in the hearts and minds. We all walk, stay together and push and pull each other as the times need.
We would like you to be open and be prepared to ride the horse and do the parikrama if the body does not do well at the altitude. Please be sure to bring the extra $600 or so for the horse. Please make the arrangements and if you do not use, you can still return back with your money.
Please do group practices for the protection and success of all. Rama raksha, trailokya, Hanuman chalisa. Whatever the group in your area can practice. We will be getting together for group practices in the Antioch area. We will keep you posted and others can do the same practice that day and if possible close to those times.
In order to make the trip successful we have been recommended to take a supplement called mycrohydrin. It has been designed for athletes and is a powerful antioxidant. For our purposes it will provide all the benefits to counter the altitude problems. It increases oxygen in the blood. Alkalizes the body, provides more energy, increases cellular hydration, reduces lactic acid.
We will be ordering through DYC and you can order the 90 capsules per person from Tulsi.   Dosage is 2 capsules per day 2 weeks prior and 4 capsules during the trip. Please place orders with Tulsi.  You may email her at Please mail check ONLY for ordering. Check payable to DYC for $64.00 for the capsules and postage and handling.
Tulsi Gottfredson
2378 Whitetail Dr.
Antioch, CA 94531
For those interested, Dr. Lad has also recommended ayurvedic herbs. Two formulae. One for the lungs and immune system, the other for the altitude. Please see the letter sent alongside for details.

See you in Kathmandu,

Ma   bapuji

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