Monday, May 24, 2010

Chinese, Nepalese and Indian currency information

It has been recommended that we carry at least $500 equivalent in Chinese currency during the Kailash trip. We will have at least two opportunities to exchange currency, first in Nepal and second at Chinese border.

Please see below for more information on Chinese currency:
Exchange rate on May 24th for 1 USD = 6.83 Chinese Yuan

During our stay in Nepal from 16th July to 19th July we can use Nepalese currency for any personal expenses. Please see below for details:
Exchange rate on May 24th  for 1 USD = 73.55 Nepalese Rupees

The group going to Nikora after Kailash can exchange Indian currency at Kathmandu or Delhi
Exchange rate on May 24th  for 1 USD = 46.81 Indian Rupees

To view exchange rates against Czeck Koruna (CZK) etc  please use the currency converter on this website:

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Kailash Trip - Frequently Asked Questions. Please read.