Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Schedule change for Kailash trip

The majority of people registered for the Kailash trip will be flying as part of our DYC group, from either the East Coast or the West Coast of the US.  We have already negotiated a group rate with Singapore Airlines and will let you all know the details of the flights and costs once they are finalized.  This message is relevant to everyone planning for this extraordinary trip but it is particularly important for those of you who plan to purchase your own tickets and meet the group in Katmandu. Please hold off purchasing your own plane tickets to/from Katmandu for the time being and read the information in this message.

Due to a recent flight cancellation by Singapore Airlines, we may have to slightly alter the travel schedule.  New date to fly out of the USA is July 19th, 2010. Our return flights from Nepal to USA will also be moved ahead by three days. Our previous return date was scheduled for Aug 2nd now it will be Aug. 5th. We will stay overnight on Aug 4th in Singapore on our return flight.

We are working as fast as possible to resolve these issues and will publish the revised schedule on the Kailash blog, at Please check the blog frequently from this point on because we will be uploading new information as it becomes available. 

On another note:  There is an important new Indian travel restriction.  Travelers to India are no longer going to be permitted to enter, leave, and re-enter India as they have in the past.  There must now be a two-month period between entering/leaving India and then re-entering India.  What this means is that it will not be possible to plan to arrive in India ahead of the group, then go to Katmandu and complete the Kailash trip, and then return to India for more travel/visiting in India.

More to follow….

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