Monday, May 24, 2010

Preparing for our Kailash Yatra

Sita Ram, Yatris!

We are now a group of over 80 yatris (participants in this yatra or holy pilgrimage)!! Each and every one of us is responsible for preparing carefully and consciously, exercising our physical bodies in preparation for this arduous journey, and doing our practicesBy so doing, we increase our chances of success and also lighten the load on our beloved Ma and Bapuji.

Please read through this email completely, so that you know how to prepare for your journey. 

What to pack in the 15lb knapsack that we will all need to have for the 3-day trek around Mt. Kailash: 

The weather conditions are an important factor to consider.  Gopal has done some research and found that the weather range will likely be as follows:

Probable range of weather:       Good weather:
                                                      Day Time: 50F - 68F
                                                      Night Time:41F - 50F
                                                      Bad weather:
                                                      Day: 41F - 59F
                                                      Night: 32F - 50F

We all need to think in terms of wearing layers on this trek. The days will likely be quite warm and we will need to peel down to shirtsleeve layer as we physically exert ourselves during the hottest times of day.  But when the sun goes down, it will get cold and wool or heavy sweaters/fleece and waterproof parkas (This is monsoon season and there may be rain) are in order. You may wish to purchase a "3-in-1 parka" . These have within them a zipped in vest, inner jacket and outer waterproof parka.  (Clearly, each individual knows how they must dress to feel comfortable at a particular temperature so this is a choice each of us will need to make on our own.)  Many of the items listed below we will be wearing on our 3-day trek and not actually packing into the knapsack. Remember, this is a list of recommendations.  It is not written in stone.  Use your judgment and your own research to determine what your individual needs might be.

1) A pair of sturdy walking boots for Kailash Parikrama (i.e. 3-day walking around the mountain).  The less bendable the sole, the better for your safety. 
2) Pair of comfortable sneakers or comfortable walking shoes (to wear for the rest of the journey)
3) Woolen or heavy sweater or fleece jacket
4) Underwear layer - NOT cotton. Silk or "capelene 3" is best because it wicks perspiration (and dries quickly) and will keep us warmer when the sun goes down.
4) 2 pairs of light-weight and/or windproof pants and/or pair of light-weight waterproof pants (reminder - monsoon season - rain possible). (Note: I've chosen to purchase large size waterproof pants that I can slip on over my lightweight pants in the event of rain.)
5) Heavy woolen, fleece or other warm pants for the nights.
6) Sun hat with a wide brim to cover the face and neck in the daytime and a wool hat for the nighttime.
7) Three pairs of "smartwool" or similar socks. Silk sock liners are good for keeping feet warm and dry.
8) Wool gloves.(Can purchase silk or other liners separately)
9) Fleece or other neck scarf
10) A cotton scarf/bandana to protect your mouth and nose from the dust on windy days.
11) Wind and sun protection cream and chap stick.
13) Toiletries - soap, toothbrush/toothpaste. Small, light travel towel.  Hand wipes.(Showers will likely not be available during 3-day trek)  Toilet paper.
14) Personal medication. (I always bring at least a week more than I need).
15) Plastic water bottle (steel / aluminum will get very cold).
16) Sunglasses
17) A silk or other type of sleeping bag liner (can buy a very lightweight type) to keep us warm and provide a layer between us and the blankets provided and/or a sleeping bag that weighs little.
18) Flashlight with spare batteries
19) Trekking poles (2).
20) Bathing suit (If you plan to take a dip in Lake Monsarovar!)
21) Your knapsack!

Sleeping bags or blankets will be provided for those who do not have their own.  We have been told that parkas can be rented there.

Remember - the above pertains to the 3-day trek

How to Pack:  We can pack a regular suitcase with whatever we think we'll need for the entire journey.  Pack comfortable travel clothes (punjabhis are good for women - if you own them), towel, a book and/or journal...  There likely won't be many opportunities to wash clothes (although we can hand wash and hang things to dry).

When we leave the hotel in Katmandu, we will leave our suitcases behind, along with all items we won't need for the journey to/from Mt. Kailash.  We will be given duffel bags to use for the 10-day journey to the mountain and back. The duffel bags will be stored in jeeps/trucks in our convoy when we don't need access to them.

WE MUST BRING OUR OWN KNAPSACK/SHOULDER BAG to carry what we need for the 3-day trek around Mt. Kailash.
We will NOT have to carry these as we walk.  Yaks will kindly lift our burden.

VALUABLES:  DO NOT PACK ANY.  There are many reports of theft in this region.
Passports, money, credit cards, traveler's checks, cameras.... should be kept with us at all times. 

IMMUNIZATIONS - Please see your own physician or go to a Travel Medicine Clinic for information on this subject.

HERBS- We will have more information on the herbs that are recommended to take for high altitude travel in the days to come.

FLIGHTS - For U.S. group flight participants, we will have more information on the flight details in the days to come.

CURRENCY - We will have more information in the days to come.

Here are some useful U.S. websites that Gopal recommends:

Info on Hiking and hiking gear & apparel:
Info on Layered clothing:
General info on high altitiude:
Information of Poles:
Good website to buy apparel:

Please continue to check this blog for updates

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Kailash Trip - Frequently Asked Questions. Please read.